​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Transnet Long Term Planning Framework

Transnet's LTPF provides the Transnet business and broader stakeholder community with a planning framework

Within which the long-term development of South Africa’s freight transportation network and the expansion of Transnet’s operational footprint can be executed. 

Driven by freight demand projections for the next 30 years, the LTPF provides the capacity development and investment opportunities which are needed to ensure Rail, Port and Pipeline capacity is developed in an integrated manner ahead of demand. The LTPF is not an operational planning blueprint, but rather a long-term unconstrained framework that identifies the movement of freight locally and regionally and considering this demand, projects the infrastructure and capital requirements needed to meet that demand. 

As a framework, the objective of the LTPF is to guide strategic investment decisions and to offer an impartial view of capacity requirements not impacted by affordability, profitability and other business constraints. The LTPF thus provides guidance, direction and context within which Transnet’s short term seven-year business plan (Corporate Plan) is prepared alongside the Market Demand Strategy (MDS). The Corporate Plan differs from the LTPF in that it considers business risk, capital availability, implementation constraints and market commitments in determining what will be executed in the next seven-year period.


Read more about the LTPF